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Art Program

Zachary Durant:
"Stillness in the breath"
08/19/2019 - 10/19/2019

We are accustomed to highly stimulating environments with a multitude of sensory data encompassing our waking consciousness. Here we are, amidst this great flood; powerful currents push and pull us every which way. A feint recollection of the breath without constraint arises. Thus I drive North, where the air rejuvenates the mind and nourishes the heart. There's a different kind of sound all around; the rushing rivers, fluttering leaves, creatures abound. Harmonic stillness melodic in tune, alas freedom from speculation.
Opening Reception: August 23/2019, 7-9pm
CHS Gallery Location:
JP Licks - One Brigham Circle
1618 Tremont St.
Mission Hill MA 02120

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